Balloon chairs!

Church_news From_the_Vicar

In our INTERACTIVE service on Sunday we looked at the story of Simeon and Anna from Luke 2:21-38. We began by thinking about how good or not we are at waiting, this is where we began thinking about a Bus Stop. We made a sign for our Bus Stop before blowing up balloons and sticking them together to create a seat for our Bus Stop. It was great fun and of course we had to test the seats out. The balloon seats supported the children very well and held together. That wasn't the case when Revd Rob tried out one of the seats, he found the whole experience a little deflating! :-)  Why Bus Stops and balloon chairs? We were thinking about three questions which were helping us to explore the Bible story of Simeon and Anna. The questions were:

1. How good are we at waiting?

2. What is trust?

3. How do we sustain our faith as we journey through life?