Solemn Choral Evensong for the Laying Up of the Standard

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On Sunday 29 October 2023 there will be a Solemn Choral Evensong for the laying up of the Standard of the Chalgrove Branch of the Royal British legion, held at St Mary's Church, Chalgrove. This Benefice Evensong will start at 4 pm and will last for approximately 45 minutes, followed by refreshments.

The Chalgrove Royal British Legion stood down last year and has been looking since then for a suitable opportunity to lay up the local standard at St Mary's Church, and to offer thanks for many years of comradeship. We have chosen to lay up the standard at this special service of Choral Evensong, which is a Benefice service on behalf of both parishes, but more than anything it is a service on behalf of the entire community, an act of grateful memory to which you are all invited.

At our service the choir will sing the anthem 'Ave Verum' by W A Mozart. You are very welcome to join in the singing of the hymns, Psalm 90, the Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis, and the National Anthem.

We hope that you will find prayerful reflection on what is said and sung a worthy offering to God. We live in a busy world; it is our prayer that this act of worship may both glorify God and provide an opportunity for the recharging of spiritual batteries.