Covid-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic Update 1

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You will I am sure be aware that, in their initial response to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, the Church of England and the Methodist Churches suspended all public acts of worship. St Helen’s Church, Berrick Salome, has been closed since 19 March 2020.

The Government has subsequently announced that church buildings can now be opened up for individual prayer. This represents a start of the journey for churches to open up safely in line with Government advice (Statement from the Church of England).

We are very pleased to inform you that, starting from Wednesday 1st July 2020, St Helen's Church will be open to parishioners for private prayer on Wednesdays, between 10h00 and 16h00.

It is of course vitally important that we minimise the risk of spreading the coronovirus, and we ask all parishioners to follow the appropriate precautions. St Helen’s Church has been cleaned and reorganised according to safety requirements; hand sanitiser is available in the porch; and pew-cleaning wipes are available for use if required.

Father Michael is continuing to broadcast Daily Prayer services on behalf of the benefice. You are very welcome to join these using a suitable device connected to the internet - please visit

Further information on our next steps for re-opening of the church for services, including baptisms, weddings, and funerals, will be communicated separately.