About Saint George's

Saint George's Church is the Church of England church which serves the area of the Waddon estate. It is also part of the parish of Croydon Parish Church.

The church building is situated in Barrow Road, in the middle of the estate (if you’re not sure where we are use the map on the main site).

The building is multi purpose and as well as being used for Christian worship is also used by a variety of community groups during the week.

The church is made up of a mixed community of local residents,
of all ages, all colours, and all shapes and sizes!
Everyone, and Anyone is very welcome to join us.
We try to be a friendly bunch!
It doesn’t mater if you are not used to coming to church,
and we try to make our services easy to follow and take part in.

Full disabled access is available

For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us on the details to the left

The Parish Eucharist and Sunday School
Our main service takes place each week on Sunday morning at 10am and lasts an hour and a half, and we always have refreshments afterwards.
The word Eucharist means thanksgiving and we meet together give to God our thanks and praise, to offer our prayers and to receive from God.
Its about taking some time to open ourselves, our lives, to God (Jesus Christ, our founder member, based his life on this principle).
We do this together, because it is often by giving to and receiving from one another that we can hear God, and receive from God. 

Thursday, 10.30am Holy Communion
Most weeks in the year, on a Thursday morning at 10.30am there is a service of Holy Communion using the traditional 'Prayer Book' service. This service takes place in the Lady Chapel, entrance is via the main door.

We are always ready to provide other services - Marriage, Funerals, Blessings and Memorial Services.