About Us

We are one of four parishes within the Dover Town Benefice, a team ministry serving the town of Dover.

St Andrew's is the ancient Parish Church of Buckland, mentioned in the Domesday Book. In the churchyard you can see the Buckland Yew certified to be at least 1700 years old. The present church dates from 1180.

We are a friendly and inclusive church community with a range of worship styles influenced by the anglo-catholic tradition both formal and informal.

The church is situated off the Buckland Bridge on London Road, accessed along a narrow road leading to a cul-de-sac. It is practically invisible until you come across it!

The churchyard is a haven of quiet beside the Buckland Paper Mill Village development consisting of a mix of residential and light commercial properties.

Can you help us?

St Andrews is a grade 2 listed building - we have some repairs to make following our recent building inspection and would love to have a toilet fitted.  We don't receive any government or central church funding - donations towards the upkeep of the building are most welcome (see 'Making a donation' page for more details).

The 'Yew Tree Cafe' is an evolving community project - check out our 'Yew Tree' Cafe page for more details.

Our other church is dedicated to St Nicholas and is situated on the Buckland (Valley) estate. St Nicks is also home to the KCC run Buckland Family Hub.  For more information about St Nicholas follow this link https://www.achurchnearyou.com/church/3531/