St. Mary the Virgin

WELCOME! thank you for visiting our page

The church of St. Mary the Virgin sits in the heart of the village of Datchet next to the Stag Public House and opposite the iconic Village Green.  Access for wheelchair, large pushchairs, prams or motorised scooters is via the Church Community Centre entrance at the rear of the church, via the Vicarage Lane gate.  

 The Parish Administrator works from 9:30am - 2:30pm on Wednesdays  and Fridays   

We are  undergoing  an interregnum ( from 30th September 2023)  If your matter is URGENT please ring the Senior Churchwardens Elaine on    07960 859 697, Sally-Anne on 07711269545,  or contact the Area Dean, Revd Canon Janet  Binns 

Safeguarding: We take Safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults very seriously here at St Mary's and have adopted the Church of England policies relating to this, for both adults and children. We follow safer recruiting processes and all our personnel involved in working alongside children or vulnerable adults are required to be DBS checked and undergo relevant Safeguarding training appropriate to their role and function: St Mary's has adopted and uses the Church of England online training where a record of individuals' progress and outcomes of training can be monitored by the Safeguarding Officers, and follow up /further /updated training as required, occur. 

Local contacts :

Incumbent:  Vacant from September 30th 2023  Post being advertised - please view our Vacancies page  for details 

Clergy cover is being provided by The Revd Canon  Janet Binns , Burnham & Slough Area Dean  and Revd Carol Dunk, Group Deanery Minister for Burnham & Slough Deanery  

St Mary's Safeguarding Officer: Jane Simpson e-mail:   [email protected] tel  01753 540948

Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor: Stuart Nimmo e-mail [email protected] tel  01865 208290

More information and who to contact including Social Services in both Slough and the RBWM can be found at the foot of this page or by using the drop-down 'safeguarding' on the menu on the left 

Services for  FBERUARY  2025 

SUNDAY           2nd      9:30am     Sung Eucharist, Candlemas 

WEDNESDAY   5th    11:00am      Holy Communion ( Side Chapel ) 

SUNDAY            9th      9:30am      Sung Eucharist 

SATURDAY       15TH    7:00pm       Valentine's Special celebrating Friends and Fellowship   Bring and Share 

SUNDAY            16th     9:30am      Lay Led informal service   Theme : Baptism  Service,  with Open The Book TBC 

SUNDAY            23rd     9:30am      Sung eucharist 

                                          6:30am      Choral Evensong 

Normal Services at St Mary's : 

We are mindful that there are still a number of  people who are cautious regarding Covid and close contact. We have taken steps to reduce any risks for people who wish to attend but remain apart from the main body of the church . 

: 1st, 2nd and 4th  Sunday of month 

          9:30am:  Eucharist , usually sung 

3rd Sunday:  From January 2025 this is now 9:30am    Morning  Informal Service -this is lay led. 

5th Sunday - from August 2024   9:30am Sung Eucharist : to be reviewed 

Choral Evensong 

Takes place on the 4th Sunday of the month at 6:30pm followed by refreshments and chat : 

We are sorry but due to needing to upgrade the technology, we are currently unable to live stream our services, we will be back online as soon as we possibly can.


Saturday 15th February  Valentine's celebrating Friends and Fellowship Party  CCC 

APCM  to be held on Sunday 18th May 2025  11am after morning service, in the Church Community Centre 

Get in touch

In a Vacancy since September 2023

The Parish Office,
The Vicarage,
London Road,

Parish Administrator
(01753) 580467
What's on


Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday at
St. Mary the Virgin
The Green Datchet Windsor, SL3 9JW, United Kingdom

Information about Safeguarding can be found here or at the drop down menu on the left under Safeguarding and Child Protection

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all day every day


Safeguarding: We take Safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults very seriously here at St Mary's and have adopted the Church of England policies relating to this, for both adults and children. We follow safer recruiting processes and all our personnel involved in working alongside children or vulnerable adults are required to be DBS checked and undergo relevant Safeguarding training appropriate to their role and function: St Mary's has adopted and uses the Church of England online training where a record of individuals' progress and outcomes of training can be monitored by the Safeguarding Officers, and follow up /further /updated training as required, occur.

Local contacts :

Incumbent: Currently in a Vacancy

Clergy cover is being provided by The Revd Canon Janet Binns , Burnham & Slough Area Dean

St Mary's Safeguarding Officer: Jane Simpson e-mail: [email protected] tel 01753 540948

Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor: Stuart Nimmo e-mail [email protected] tel 01865 208290

More information and who to contact including Social Services in both Slough and the RBWM can be found at the foot of this page or by using the drop-down menu of the left

St. Mary the Virgin Charity No. 1131279