About Us

Holy Trinity is a church of two Sunday congregations, one informal with contemporary music; the other more tradition with a mixture of old and new; each congrgation worshipping in their prefered way. (There is also a smaller third, mid-week congregation that meets on Wednesday at 10 am for a relaxed and traditional Holy Communion or morning prayer.) As individuals we recognise our need of God and where we have fallen short. We have experienced God's love, power and forgiveness, and we want others to know this amazing love too. We are a church that exists to minister to God and to see his kingdom grow in our neighbourhood. We love the tangible presence of Jesus through his Holy Spirit and realise that nothing compares to this. To enjoy and love God is why we were made. In 2006 the church celebrated its 400th anniversary. You are most welcome to join us.

There is an informal service called Early Church, with groups for children, starting at 9:30, offering a contemporary style of worship and relaxed atmosphere. This service attracts families with young children, but has all ages taking part.

Our more traditional act of worship starts at 11 am with a small robed choir and an organist. Most Sundays the morning worship is Holy Communion. (There is always an act of Holy Communion on a Sunday morning in the Benifice of Holy Trinity and St Andrew's)

The church underwent a major re-ordering in late 2009. This allows a greater range of flexibility in its use and enables it to continue as a living heart within the community it serves for many years to come.

We are thrilled when newcomers join us. There are opportunities to use your gifts and talents as we work and pray for the Kingdom of God, blessing the community in varied ways but above all desiring that people in Low Moor come to know the power of God, and his love.

We at Holy Trinity want people to experience God for themselves; our mission statement is "This church lives to touch Christ and to touch lives". Knowing about God is not enough. There is more.