Supporting us

Supporting us

Maintaining an 800-year-old building is not without challenges – which are overcome. We want to ensure we fulfil our responsibility as ‘good stewards’ for a lively church in the 21st century. This all takes money – a lot of it. We are moving with the challenging times, exploring how people can donate electronically during the offertory and at other moments of collections. The best incontestable way to donate is to have people contribute by Standing Order. Please use the following details if you would like to help, as a one-off or regularly.

PCC of St. James & St. Paul Colchester

Account no: 50791466

Sort Code: 20-22-67

Gift Aid

If you can support us by allowing us to claim back any Gift Aid from your donations, please fill out the form here


As I’m sure you know, this allows us to claim an additional 25p for every £1 you donate!

Gift_Aid_Form, PDF
