St Edward's Academy

St Edward’s Academy was founded by St Edward’s Church in 1710 and we enjoy the strongest of partnerships to this day.

The Academy is a very strong learning community which strives to provide the best possible Education for all children in their care. Everything the School does is founded on the Christian values of love and mutual respect. All that they do at St Edward’s is underpinned by their vision: that all members of our community should experience the promise of Jesus Christ, ‘I have come that you may have life in all its fullness’ (John 10:10). The Curriculum for ‘life in all its fullness’ is designed to equip children to be curious and confident independent learners but also responsible, resilient and caring citizens in their community. As they leave St Edward’s Academy, the School aims for every child to be ready to take on the next steps in their journey to adulthood with a love of learning, positive attitudes and a rounded set of values and skills to guide them. Therefore, St Edward’s Academy believes that the purpose of Education is to nurture and enable every child to thrive and to be the person they are fully capable of being.

In addition to school assemblies, the School Mass/Eucharist is celebrated at least once each half-term for each year group, each day begins with Prayer and Christian Union (games, films, discussion & Bible Study) takes place on a Tuesday lunchtime. The Chaplaincy team is led by St Edward's Father David Simpson, who is always ready to discuss matters of faith and belief and to explore spiritual life. The team is available to all students, staff, parents/carers, regardless of religious affiliation to provide pastoral and spiritual care or just a listening ear.

The new School Chapel is placed at the heart of the school and its prominent position is a reminder of the spiritual dimension to life. Everyone in the school community is invited to share in its activities. At the same time, the Multi-Faith Prayer Room provides an area of peace and quiet for reflection, meditation or prayer for those wishing to use it.

For more information on the school please do look at their website