Worship resources

The Daily Hope Line resource from the Church of England is designed especially for those unable to join online services. Please think of letting others know about this if they do not have access to emails or online resources.

Christ Church East Sheen YouTube Channel has weekly video uploads of reflective words and music.

David Suchet reads the Sunday lectionary readings for the week

There is a Daily Service available to listen to via the Radio 4 website

Southwark Cathedral is livestreaming various services during the day.

If you would like to attend an online service at a different time on Sunday morning, you can watch the following

9.00 am: Church of England Service (on their website)
9.30 am: A Eucharist with the Bishop of Southwark from Bishop’s House (on Twitter)
11.00 am: Choral Eucharist at Southwark Cathedral (on Facebook)

The Royal School of Church Music offers a hymn to sing along to each day with organ accompaniment and words on screen.

Our Midweek Worship booklet may be useful for you if you are unable to get to church and need to pray at home. It can be used at a time when you know others are praying the same words

midweek_worship_at_home_TVUtWyV, PDF
