christmas Church_news

by Archbishop Justin Welby

A light amidst the difficulties of this year has been the way people have cared for each other with generosity and courage. Cynicism about community has often been overwhelmed by love for neighbour.

It has been stressful and anxious, but we have not shut ourselves off from each other. There have been countless wonderful acts of kindness and care, often sacrificial ones.

We’ve seen these acts of goodness in health and in care, we’ve seen them in the community and in our neighbourhoods. Most often they have come not from power or position but from love and vulnerability.

That’s exactly the sort of love that we celebrate at Christmas. Love that gets its hands dirty. Love that is open and generous. Love that, without great ceremony, makes a difference.

May we find that love, God’s love in Jesus Christ, this Christmas. May we share that love, God’s love in us, this Christmas. And as we receive, and as we give, may we know the comfort and the joy that is God’s gift to us.

Justin Welby is The Archbishop of Canterbury.