Church_news News_about_our_building Notices
This Sunday's service is a joint parish Holy Communion at St Mary and All Saints Church, Dunsfold at 10 am. Our celebrant is Reverend Rutton Viccajee.

We're delighted to have a Zoom link back in operation so if you wish to join us from home, or further afield, please click on the link below.

It should just be one click to log in but if required you'll find the other details below.

Meeting ID: 835 7043 8688  Passcode: 123456

Our churchwardens, Sheila Jones and Jan Richardson, met with our PCC on Thursday night to review the measures we will be taking regarding health and safety in our church. In view of the current rapid spread of Covid infections it was felt too early to change our present practices.

We will continue to register names and telephone numbers of all worshippers on entering church and strongly recommend the wearing of face masks and the use of hand sanitiser.

Social distancing will not be enforced, but mindful that some people may feel uncomfortable at having others around them we will be setting aside an area towards the back of church for people who prefer to maintain a distance.

The current methods of receiving communion and sharing the peace will continue. Congregational singing will not be resumed at the moment but the choir will sing a Communion hymn. The choir will not process at the beginning or end of the service. The offertory plate and card reader will be placed at the back of church for people to give their donations as they enter or leave.

If you have any concerns outside these guidelines please speak to Sheila on 200204 or Jan on 200519.

Thank you.