Notices Church_news

Last week Guildford Cathedral welcomed 2,800 children to the year 6 leavers services at the Cathedral. These uplifting events were a way to mark the end of primary school for all children at our schools.

Here is a wonderful prayer from St. Mary’s Church of England Primary School - Chessington
Please don’t let go

Dear God
As we prepare to take these important steps from primary school to secondary, please don’t let go.
Hold our hands and guide us on the right path, helping us to make positive choices.
As we face new challenges and sometimes stumble, please don’t let go.
Pick us up and give us the strength and courage to carry on.
As we say goodbye to old friends and teachers and meet new ones, please don’t let go.
Help them to see all that is good in us, showing mutual kindness and respect.

As we enter unfamiliar places, perhaps feeling a little lost and alone, please don’t let go.
Walk alongside us, giving us courage and helping us to find our way.
As we are presented with new and sometimes confusing situations, please don’t let go.
Open our minds and hearts to new ideas, helping us to grow with empathy and tolerance.
As we are asked to take more risks and decisions on our own, please don’t let go.
Give us the strength and knowledge to become more independent.

If we know you are holding us tight and always by our side, we won’t let go of you.
You will remain in our hearts, helping us to learn and grow, full of kindness and honesty.
