Notices Church_news

As well as the bishops and spouses attending, the conference will involve a number of different teams that have been planning and preparing for the conference for a long time.

Please pray for the volunteers and stewards that are sharing their time to support
the event; the chaplaincy and worship teams who will provide spiritual guidance and pastoral support throughout the conference; the speakers and contributors that will deliver sessions and the wider conference staff.

Here is a prayer written by The Church Mission Society. Church of England – working with partners across Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East.

Lord, as you have entered into our life and death and in all the world you call us into your death and risen life. Forgive us our sins; and draw us we pray, by the power and encouragement of your Spirit, into an exchange of gifts and needs, joys and sorrows, strength and weakness with your people everywhere; that with them we may have grace to break through every barrier, to make disciples of all peoples and to share your love with everyone for your glory’s sake. Amen.