The Vicar's wine tasting event

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On Saturday 30th May 2020, the parish are holding an online Virtual Wine tasting event to raise money for the parish Charity of the month, The Leprosy Mission.

You can join the Virtual Wine tasting event by registering for a ticket by emailing the parish office [email protected] or phoning 020 83909129. We are asking for donations for the event so please use the online donate button on the parish website to do this. Thank you.

Leprosy has been around for thousands of years. It is still very much with us in many areas of the world. In Brazil and in India for example there are more than 10,000 new cases every year. If untreated, the disease can have devasting consequences as loss of feeling can lead to life changing injuries which may lead to amputation because the sufferers do not realise they have damaged themselves. The Leprosy Mission works in 18 countries across Asia, Africa and the Pacific collaborating with other organisations and agencies to provide treatment, carry out research and to offset stigmatisation which often comes with the disease. Incidentally, you can visit the remains of the Leper Hospital of St James in Dunwich, Suffolk. Leprosy used to be here too.

For more information about the work of The Leprosy Mission please visit

If you are unable to attend the wine tasting or tickets have run out please do consider making a donatio to this worthwhile charity.