Evening Service

In January, February, March, April, May, June, July, September, October, November. Every Second Sunday at for 50 mins
St Aidan's Thorneyburn
Greenhaugh Bellingham NE48 1NA, NE48 1NA, United Kingdom

Reader Led service

every 2th Sunday normally at 6pm but may vary

St Aidan's Thorneyburn

The Church remains open for visits and private prayer at all times.

For any support you need please contact our Church Warden. Prayer requests can be left in the prayer book in Church. We hold Parish communion at 11am on the 2nd Sunday of the Month and a lay led Parish Worship on the 4th Sunday of the Month at 6pm Additional Special services are held throughout the year for Harvest, Remembrance, Christmas, Easter and Creation Tide. 

Deanery Zoom @10.00 a.m. on 4th Sunday contact  [email protected]

Holy Communion on 1st  Sunday at St Cuthbert’s Bellingham

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength . . Love your neighbour as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.”

This Parish is registered with the Parish Giving Scheme and as such a regular Direct Debit can be set up online. Search on parishgiving.org.uk

We have set up a telephone tree to keep in contact and have details of essential services for home delivery. We also can arrange to shop for you and take you for your vaccines

Contact Caroline Waitt Churchwarden  01434 240210 [email protected] or visit Tarset Community Website https://www.tarset.co.uk

For latest information follow us on Facebook NORTH TYNE CHURCHES and on Twitter @StPetersNE48. 

The parish of Falstone w Greystead & Thorneyburn is committed to the safeguarding of children, young people and adults. We follow the House of Bishops guidance and policies and have our own Parish Safeguarding Officer(s), PSOs. The Diocese of Newcastle’s safeguarding pages contain vital links and information including contacts for the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor (DSA) who advise our PSOs. If you are concerned that a child or adult has been harmed or may be at risk of harm please contact the DSA. If you have immediate concerns about the safety of someone, please contact the police and your local authority Children or Adults Services.

Get in touch

The Revd Dr Claire Maxim

The Rectory

NE48 2JS

Our website

What's on

Evening Service

In January, February, March, April, May, June, July, September, October, November. Every Second Sunday at for 50 mins
St Aidan's Thorneyburn
Greenhaugh Bellingham NE48 1NA, NE48 1NA, United Kingdom

Reader Led service

every 2th Sunday normally at 6pm but may vary

Everyday faith

Discover how we can support you to find and follow God in your everyday life.