Vicar's Newsletter for the Third Sunday before Advent


Dear All,

This year we have a Sunday between All Saints and Remembrance Sunday and our gospel reading takes us back to the beginning of Jesus' ministry - a reminder that he calls each of us to participate in his great mission which is the revealing of God's Kingdom. As we continue to hold COP 26 in our prayers, and with the marking of Armistice Day in the coming week, this is a good time to recognise what a difference each of us us can make - in the care of the Creation we have been given, and in the building of the peace and justice that makes warfare obsolete. The Revd Sue Davis Fletcher (who is on a short pacement with us) has prepared this week's sermon, and she highlights how Jesus' call to "follow" him is addressed to each of us personally as a call to reflect on how we contribute to the life of the Kingdom in our everyday activity.

I am also attaching the newsletter for this month. From next month, Sam White will send this out to the mailing list directly, so please make sure you have let her know that you want to stay on the list, and you are happy for her to mail you with Mission Community news (her email is copied into this mailing) and she is the person to contact with any news you would like to appear on the December newsletter (by the 15th of this month).

God bless,
