Roads to God

At St Laurence Church we regularly pray for our local community. This includes our Roads to God mission, through which we pray especially for the people living and working in a few particular roads each month, covering the whole village over the course of a year. The list of roads for which we are praying is also included in the Downton Parish News magazine.

Requests for particular prayers can be made by telephoning Reverend Ron Hart on 01725 514772 or if unavailable please contact Mrs Jo Parsons 01725 512738 or emailing [email protected].

Any such requests will be kept confidential.

You can request prayers at any time – not just when your road is on the monthly list. 

In our cycle prayer for our community, during March 2024, we will be offering prayers for:

Moot Gardens, Avondyke, Cranbury Close, Forest Edge and Charlotte Close.

Roads to God Prayer Group

The next Roads to God Prayer Group will meet on Wednesday 20th March 2024 at 10.30am in the Lady Chapel at St. Laurence Church and will be led by Rev Ron Hart. We will pray for both the particular roads in our prayer cycle together with the whole village. A warm welcome is extended to all. 

Roads to God Prayer

John 14:5-6 Thomas said to Jesus, 'Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?' Jesus said to him, 'I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me'

Let us pray -

Lord Jesus Christ, you are the Way, the Truth and the Life. Through the prayer and loving service of your Church, may we and all in this community draw closer to you, and so find Roads to God in this place. We ask this in your name and for your sake. Amen