
It costs over £50 each day to run St Peter’s.  As we do not receive any grants or support from local or national government but rely entirely on our own fund raising your support is really important.

Coronavirus appeal

During the pandemic St Peter's has not been open as usual and this has greatly reduced our income.

Our main fundraising event, the Church Fete, has been cancelled for 2 years running along with most other fundraising events. This has left us worryingly short of money with which to pay our basic outgoings and keep the church building in good condition.

Please help us now to secure the future of our much loved village church by making a donation at

Parish Giving Scheme

You can make a regular donation to St Peter’s by direct debit through the Parish Giving Scheme ( Please contact a member of PCC or the Rector who can provide you with further information including a direct debit form.  Alternatively, you can call the Parish Giving Scheme on 0333 002 1271.


Leaving a gift in your will is a final opportunity to make a lasting gift to God. It is also a way to make a lasting difference to the future of this church and community. To discuss making a legacy to St Peter’s please contact the Rector.