Responding to the end of Covid restrictions.

Church_news From_the_Vicar
The Team Rector writes in the parish newsletter of 23rd February: 

" The Prime Minister’s announcement that all Covid Restrictions are ‘off’, leaves us with something of a quandry. Obviously we can no longer insist on mask wearing in Church, and neither would we wish to, but the reality is that there are those among us who still feel anxious, and there are those who continue to have a heightened level of vulnerability. How to cater for the varying needs of our church members?"

The Chief medical officer has said that the ending of the virus restrictions was a "gradual steady change over a period of time...not a sudden 'everything stops'"

The Team Rector continues:   "We have come, I think, to the point where we each need to take personal responsibility for our own safety, while remaining mindful of the safety and comfort of others. This may mean wearing a face covering in order to reduce the anxiety ofpeople nearby ... or respecting their need to maintain social distancing. Do take lateral flow tests before attending if possible, and please don't attend if you have any possible Covid symptoms. 

For my part, I will continue for the time being to wear a face covering when handling the elements at Holy Communion, as well as the liberal use of hand gel"