
Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St Aidan
St Aidan's Way Gravesend, DA12 4AG, United Kingdom

Our main act of worship is our Sunday Eucharist at 10.00. It is a clear and welcoming service with a recognisably traditional Anglican liturgy. Families are always welcome. We have a Sunday School on the 3rd Sunday of the month. Children who have been confirmed may receive Communion. The first Sunday of the month is an All-Age service with Holy Communion and which has a mix of informal and traditional elements. For a general overview of our church services please see our Welcome Pack, which can be found in the File section below.

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Sunday School

Monthly. Every Third Sunday at for 1 hour
St Aidan
St Aidan's Way Gravesend, DA12 4AG, United Kingdom

Sunday School takes place on the third Sunday of the month at 10am. Children explore the Gospel reading for the day through activities and discussion, joining their families in church in time for Holy Communion or a blessing. Sunday School meets in 'the lounge' at the back of church, behind a glass partition. Parents may join their children or stay in church, your children will never be far away! Our Sunday School leaders receive up to date safeguarding training.
The children usually present what they have done at the end of the service (if they want to)- if so, they will be in view of the live stream. Therefore parental consent is required for your child to possibly appear in the live stream. The consent form is attached and can be emailed to [email protected].

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Night Prayer (Compline)- Online

Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Sunday at for 20 mins
St Aidan
St Aidan's Way Gravesend, DA12 4AG, United Kingdom

A short office of prayers and readings for the night hours, traditionally observed before going to bed.

Morning Prayer

Every Wednesday at for 30 mins
St Aidan
St Aidan's Way Gravesend, DA12 4AG, United Kingdom

A short service of prayers for the beginning of the day.

Said Eucharist- 9.30am

Every Wednesday at
St Aidan
St Aidan's Way Gravesend, DA12 4AG, United Kingdom

A midweek Eucharist. On the last Wednesday, we hold a Book of Common Prayer service of Holy Communion, taken from Order Two of Common Worship.

Little Rainbows

Every Wednesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Aidan
St Aidan's Way Gravesend, DA12 4AG, United Kingdom

A Parent and Pre-School child group in the Hall on Wednesday afternoons during term-time from 1pm. We stop in good time for parents to do the afternoon 'school run'. Refreshments are available for parents (sometimes home made cakes and cookies!) and we have some excellent toys and activities for the children.

Term Time only

CAMEO 'Come and Meet Others'- Currently Suspended

Every Fourth, Fifth, Last Thursday at for 1 hour
St Aidan
St Aidan's Way Gravesend, DA12 4AG, United Kingdom

Tea and cakes are served in the Parish Hall from 2pm each month on a Thursday. It is an excellent opportunity to meet new people, have a chat and enjoy the refreshments. We started CAMEO many years ago as a group for elderly people who felt lonely or just didn't often get to meet other people. It still serves that purpose and our lovely, friendly St Aidan's people are eager to welcome you, or anyone you might know who lives in the area and may benefit from it.

2019 CAMEO dates are April 25th, May 30th, June 27th, July 25th, September 26th, October 31st, November 28th

Holy Rosary

Monthly. Every First Friday at for 30 mins
St Aidan
St Aidan's Way Gravesend, DA12 4AG, United Kingdom

We pray the Holy Rosary on the first Friday of the Month in the Lady Chapel.
A meditative prayer lasting around half an hour, the Rosary takes us into the mystery of Christ's earthly life and asks the prayers of the Virgin Mary. Rosary beads are available in church.

Book of Common Prayer Holy Communion

Sunday 22 January 2023, Sunday 26 March 2023, Sunday 28 May 2023, Sunday 23 July 2023, Sunday 24 September 2023 at for 1 hour
St Aidan
St Aidan's Way Gravesend, DA12 4AG, United Kingdom

From 2023 we will use the BCP bi-monthly as our main act of worship on Sunday at 10am.
The BCP is the foundational worship and doctrine text of the Church of England and it is good to now offer this more widely at our main service so that more people can rediscover or get to know the Prayer Book and its call for amendment of life and trust in God's mercy and goodness.
It's also a global book: each time we use the BCP we join with millions of Anglicans worldwide; this helps us to live out our identity as part of the Catholic and Apostolic Church through our liturgy.
The order of service is attached so the service may be followed if you are watching the live stream.

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We use the BCP monthly on the last Wednesday at 9.30am, too. This service is not live streamed. At Night Prayer we use 1928 Prayer Book Compline on Sundays. 8pm on Facebook.