-- Safe & Welcome Award

In January 2019 St. Peter's was awarded the Bristol Diocese Bronze Safe and Welcome Award.

What is Safe and Welcome?

The Safe and Welcome Awards scheme enables parishes to achieve a recognised standard of welcome, safety, safeguarding and integration for all into their worshipping life. The process enables parishes to review aspects of parish activity relating to safeguarding, safety, welcome, accessibility and youth and children’s ministry and to access tailored, support, advice and training from diocesan advisers.

Bronze, Silver and Gold level awards can be achieved with recognition of these achievements made by the awarding of certificates. The award scheme is open to the broad spectrum of churches in our Diocese and isn’t based solely on levels of provision available for children, young people and vulnerable adults.

The Safe and Welcome Awards recognise, affirm and celebrate churches that are welcoming and safe places for all members of our communities.

Safe_and_Welcome_Award, PDF
