Easter Trail 2024

People could walk the physical train in Ladbroke March 24th - April 7th 2024 but to can still do virtually. There are  Photos - one per display are in our Gallery, and downloads below.

        Trail leaflet has the map, a summary of each point the story and a simple activity or question.

         Words from Scripture  has more detail about what the bible says about each point depicted (these words are displayed at each location so no need to download if you are physically walking the trail).

At the last point on trail, GOD WITH US TODAY, people were invited to respond to the display about Psalm 23 in church.  At home you may like to

-  light a candle and ask Jesus, the Light of the World, to help you or someone you know who is going through difficult times

-  write or draw a thank you note to God for good things in your life

- make a sheep, or get the kids to make several, and remember that God is like a Good Shepherd bringing his flock to good pasture and safe water (see final download  for sheep making ideas)

2024 Trail, PDF


Words from scripture, PDF


make a sheep ideas, PDF
