03. Funerals

How do I arrange a Funeral at St. Andrew’s Church?


A funeral is used to mark the end of a person's life here on earth. Family and friends come together to express grief, give thanks for the life lived and commend the person into God's keeping. These can be a small, quiet ceremony or a large occasion in a packed church.

Everyone who lives within the ecclesiastical parish of St. Andrew’s, Epworth is entitled to a funeral service in St. Andrew's Church by the Rector or a member of the Ministry Team, regardless of whether they attended church or not.

Please speak to your chosen Funeral Director if you do not know whether you live within the ecclesiastical parish, you can use the following link to find your local Church of England church: http://www.achurchnearyou.com

The funeral service can take place either in Church or at the Crematorium. Please discuss these details with your Funeral Director, who will make contact with the Rector to make the necessary arrangements, and then either the Crematorium or Cemetery on your behalf.

Sometimes it can help to talk to a person who is not a member of your own family or a close friend. If you would like to have someone from St. Andrew's come to visit you in the coming weeks we would like to support you and encourage you in this. Please contact the Rector if you would like this to be arranged.

You are also welcome to join us for our regular church services. You will find details about these on the Services and Event page of our web site.

Planning a Funeral

Some people find planning the funeral with family and friends helps in their grieving. Perhaps you already know something of what your loved one wanted. You may even have planned the service together some time ago.

If you are uncertain, the minister who will lead the service can help you choose suitable readings, hymns and prayers. If they did not know your loved one well, they will want to talk with you to build up a picture of the person's life, this may take only one meeting but sometimes it can be more.

Some deaths will be especially traumatic, distressing or unexpected. The Church has special funerals for children, or after sudden or violent deaths, including suicide. Talk with your minister about what is possible.

The Funeral Service

The service will follow a clear plan. The focus moves from earth to heaven as the service moves from greeting the mourners, to remembering the one who has died, all the while asking for God's comfort and then committing your loved one into God's care.

The Outline Order for Funerals

The Gathering

- The coffin may be received at the door by the minister.

- Sentences of Scripture may be used.

- The minister welcomes the people and introduces the service.

- Authorized Prayers of Penitence may be used.

- The Collect Prayer may be said here or in the Prayers.

- A hymn may be sung (congregational singing is currently not permitted due to Covid-19 restrictions)

Readings and Sermon

- A tribute or tributes may be made.

- One or more readings from the Bible is used.

- A sermon is preached, which may also include a eulogy.


- The prayers usually follow this sequence:

- Thanksgiving for the life of the departed

- Prayer for those who mourn

- Prayers of Penitence (if not already used)

- Prayer for readiness to live in the light of eternity

- A hymn may be sung (congregational singing is currently not permitted due to Covid-19 restrictions)

Commendation and Farewell

- The deceased person is commended to God with authorized words.

The Committal

- The body is committed to its resting place with authorized words.

The Dismissal

- The service may end with a blessing.