Volunteering at St Mary's Church

Our Church is a community of people who worship and meet in important buildings. These need ongoing attention to maintain them for our worship and fellowship. While large and complex tasks must be undertaken by professionals, there are many other aspects of Church life that can and should be done by volunteers. 

Volunteers are such a wonderful resource for our church and are so valued in whatever role they undertake. 

This could include joining the cleaning rota (or St. James’ Guild) where teams of one, two or three keep the Church swept and dusted on a weekly basis. Obviously, the more people available means that cleaning duties could occur perhaps every other month. 

All our services are welcoming and inclusive, whether the Family Service or our traditional services/communion. Would you consider welcoming visitors or our services in the first instance? Perhaps you would like to read a lesson at our regular services, or maybe leading prayers? 

Or maybe your skills lie in areas of social media, marketing and/or websites. This might lead on to fund raising or community events. 

All these are suggestions and the team at St. Mary’s would be happy to talk to you about any of these or other ideas you may have for some level of involvement. 

If you are new to Leigh and are looking for some social activities, we have community groups such as Totzone, Strollers & Striders, flower arranging, Home Groups and a monthly Film Club. 

Details of all these events are in this monthly Parish Magazine so please come and say Hello and see what we do - you would be most welcome. 

Why not just come to Coffee Stop between 10 and 12 noon on a Wednesday morning in the Genner Rooms - attached to the Church - for coffee, cake and a chat without any pressure to do anything other be social! 

For more information, contact Gill Bennie, our office administrator. 

Tel: 07485 445716 Email: [email protected]

                                                LEIGH CHURCHYARD WORK-PARTY 2024

Saturday 23rd March 2024 - Group tidy-up

We would much appreciate your help again during 2024. 

Our plan is to run a larger group session in March as a post-winter tidy-up and then from April to September monthly sessions to keep on top of things. 

We will gather at 9.30 and work through to 12.30 with a coffee and cake/ biscuit break. 

If you would like to help, please contact Bruce & Nicky Williams Tel: 07775 697670 

Email: [email protected]