Weekly/monthly events/activities

Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday at for 6 hours
Leigh Church
High Street Leigh Tonbridge, TN11 8RG, United Kingdom

Totzone is a parent/carer baby and toddler group which meets on Monday
mornings 9.30 -11.30 in the Genner Rooms during term times. Plenty of
good toys to keep your young ones occupied and coffee and tea available for
parents and carers. No booking is needed.
All welcome.

Striders & Strollers
Leigh Striders and Strollers is an informal village walking group for all ages
and all walking abilities. Some walkers come along most weeks whilst others
pop along from time to time.
We meet every week on a Wednesday at 9.30am on the Green and take it
from there. Sometimes we walk from the Green but we may also drive short
distances to enjoy walks in our neighbouring villages. The walks tend to range
between 2 and 4 miles and generally we are back in the village between
10.30am and 11.30am. Some of us then go along to Coffee Stop for some
welcome refreshments (see below).
If you would like to be added to the Striders and Strollers WhatsApp Group
please contact Helen Scott on 07963 093660.

Coffee Stop
Coffee stop is on Wednesday mornings in the Genner Rooms, or outside if
the weather is warm enough, 10am to 12 noon. Come for a cup of coffee or a
tea, cake and a chat.

Heydays Film Club
The Film Club runs every 2nd Tuesday of the month, in the Genner Rooms. It is
open to anyone who enjoys a film. We open at 10 for coffee and the film starts
at 10.30. If you would like help getting there please let me know and we will do
our best to find a lift.
We look forward to seeing you in the New Year!
Rachel Glenny 01732 832117

Wednesday Morning Prayers & Private Prayers

Every Wednesday at for 1 hour
Leigh Church
High Street Leigh Tonbridge, TN11 8RG, United Kingdom

Wednesday Morning Prayers
9.30am at the church
Join us to sing and praise to the Lord and to pray for our community and the world
All Welcome - just come along
Please contact David Bennie on 07572 508694 for details

Private Prayers
St Mary's is open every day and has a tranquil area set aside for private prayer or reflection. To provide a moment to meet with God.