Thought for the week: staying refreshed and hydrated

My thought for the week is a follow on from last week’s where I mentioned that during this time of disconnectedness the Church is alive and functioning; and that certainly remains the case this week too. Funerals continue to take place; the foodbank is busier than ever, and we press ahead with our weekly online content.

I am sure I’m not the only one who finds it difficult to stay refreshed and hydrated (in a spiritual sense) throughout these long weeks of social isolation. And I wondered if we could share together, through the comments below, what we have been doing as Christians and disciples of Christ to remain connected to the springs of living water. You might have adopted a new practice you have found particularly helpful or continued with an existing practice – what is it? What do you do? How have you been worshipping at home? What have you found particularly helpful during this challenging time? Please share your thoughts with the wider church family. Your own spiritual habits and practices might offer fresh insights for someone who is particularly struggling at the moment.

In my own case (and I do recognise as an ordained priest I hold a privileged position) I have been celebrating Holy Communion at home every night at the kitchen table which has become my altar. As a family we watch cheesy 90’s worship videos on YouTube usually in the morning and after tea. The boys do love to get the egg shakers and bells and tambourines out. Having fun together through sung worship is particularly important to us as a family. All of this has helped to sustain me and the Cooper family in general at what could have otherwise been a fairly barren time. What sustains you? Do share with us.

I am acutely aware that this video will not reach all members of our church family, so please do make use of our network groups, and contact our less digitally connected members so that they can be part of this conversation.

As ever, do contact us if you are struggling in any way, but particularly if you are struggling spiritually as it is so easy to overlook this important part of our identity during these truly unprecedented times. See you soon!