About Us

                                                  St Peter's Church Ruddington: loving God, loving people - no, really...

St. Peter's Church at Ruddington is a  gathering of people seeking and serving God. You are welcome here. 

Our heart is to love people, and love God, no, really - through acts of loving service,  attending to the presence of our amazing and beautiful God through our services and with our lives, growing lifelong disciples of Jesus so we become more like him, and seeking the flourishing of each and every person in our community and beyond. 

We have two services each week: one at 10:30 on Sunday morning and another at 10am on Thursday mornings. The first Sunday of each month is an informal altogether family service. 

The church building is at the heart of our village and is a popular venue for services, weddings, baptisms and musical concerts - please contact Nikki our administrator at the church office to find out more. 

Through the week we have lots going on with activities for people of every age; 

On Monday mornings in term time, we have our Little Ps parent and toddler group.

 Every third Monday of the month in the afternoon, we have a Friendship Group for elderly people and their carers.

We also host a twice monthly community meal, open to anyone and everyone, from 12.30pm on the 1st and 4th Mondays of the month. You can enjoy a hot two course meal, funded in part by Rushcliffe Reach from Rushcliffe Borough Council, and good company as we share life together. Booking is via Eventbrite-search Heat n Eat Ruddington.

As a church, we want to see our local community thrive and flourish and to be a place of welcome and acceptance, and to this end we host and get stuck into lots of activities that make up village life. 

You might come and watch our amazing Puppet Theatre as part of our informal family focused service, or join in as we host Jubilee celebrations and barn dances, eat lots of Margaret's fabulous cake, come on a school visit, host community groups like the Gardeners Club or mark the landmarks of life like weddings, funerals and Christenings- all where we seek to embrace each person with the open arms of Jesus. 

Whether you are a local resident exploring faith or an established Christian moving into the area you are welcome to come and see us and to meet the family at St. Peter’s.

St. Peter’s is part of the wider church in Ruddington working in partnership with the village Baptist and Methodist Churches.

The parish of Ruddington is committed to the safeguarding of children, young people and adults. We follow the House of Bishops guidance and policies and have our own Parish Safeguarding Officer(s), PSOs. The Diocese of Southwell & Nottingham’s safeguarding pages contain vital links and information including contacts for the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor (DSA) who advise our PSOs. If you are concerned that a child or adult has been harmed or may be at risk of harm please contact the DSA. If you have immediate concerns about the safety of someone, please contact the police and your local authority Children or Adults Services