Village Market @ St Peter's!

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On Saturday 3rd December, our annual Village Market, organised by wonderful volunteers from across the village, as part of the Ruddington Village Centre Partnership, took place and what a fabulous day it was. Even the rain held off until almost the end!

Our hospitality team served hundreds of free hot drinks and homemade cakes to people streaming into church all day to browse at the craft stalls inside, whilst our Little P's team, (from our regular toddler group) helped over 200 children to make Christmas cards and crowns- they were just amazing. The Ruddington District Choral Society sang carols and our awesome bell ringers made a beautiful noise that is so much part of village life. 

It was a truly glorious sight to see the building used as a village community resource, allowing us to welcome each person and share the love of God for the whole of the village.