what's this Lent thing about then?

Lent Easter Church_news Community_news

The season of Lent lasts for forty days (not including Sundays). It is a time when Christians reflect and prepare for the celebrations of Easter. Some people fast, eat frugally or give up treats following the example of Jesus, who fasted for forty days in the wilderness. 

Often, people give up things like chocolate, alcohol, or social media (but it can be anything), to help them think about what it means to follow Jesus and how we might better live lives that turn outwards towards the world in love rather than just our own needs. 

St Augustine, one of the early church fathers, said; “God is always trying to give good things to us, but our hands are too full to receive them.” 

By giving up something that outwardly makes us feel good, (though is usually short lived), we can receive more of the eternal love that God wants to give us in abundance.  It not about beating ourselves us or thinking badly of ourselves, but giving over more of ourselves to something, or someone, bigger than ourselves, and ultimately to take the love of God deeper into our hearts. 

If you want to read more about Lent, check out this article: https://christianity.org.uk/article/what-is-lent