Admission of Children to Communion

St Peter's Church welcome all who have been baptised to take communion. 

Canon Law requires that children who are not yet ready to be confirmed but who wish to take communion are suitably prepared. There is no set time or age to do this, we are happy to do this for any child once they feel that they would like to take communion.

We will consider any child for admission to communion provided that they regularly attend worship (regular attendance is understood as being a minimum of once a month for a period of six months or more). The desire to take communion must come from the child and not from the adult, however, we will seek parental consent before proceeding.

Once we have consent, we will arrange for them to attend a preparation group. These are fun and interactive sessions which help children to understand communion better. 

On completion of admission to communion sessions, we will have a special service for them as part of our usual morning worship and their names will be entered into the register to show that they have been admitted to communion.

Children who have already taken communion previously in another church do not need to go through preparation.

To enquire about admission to communion please complete a general enquiry form.