Our Daily Prayer Hour and Prayer for the Month

Every day at for 1 hour
St Paternus Parish Church North Petherwin
North Petherwin Near Launceston Cornwall, PL15 8LR, United Kingdom


Jesus taught his disciples a prayer for the well-being of the World, their community and their lives. A prayer asking God to meet their daily needs and a prayer for forgiveness for their wrong doings and for help in resisting the temptations of all sin and for their protection from danger. We refer to this as 'The Lord's Prayer'.

We invite and encourage you to say The Lord's Prayer each day and what better way is there to bring us all together in a wonderful feeling of fellowship than to say this all-embracing prayer at any time during the course of the same hour each day, knowing that other members of our community are doing the very same?

The hour is between 8pm and 9pm daily and, wherever you may be in the world, please feel free to join us at any time during this hour and to add as many prayers as you wish

There is a downloadable and printable poster of the traditional version of The Lord`s Prayer for you to use to encourage others to join in during our Hour of Prayer. You might also wish to use your poster as a daily reminder.

If for any reason you miss the Prayer Hour, don't hesitate to pray later. It's never too late to pray and it's never too late to join our Daily Prayer Hour.


Holy Father,

We know that you created this planet we call Earth out of the blackness of nothing, to be a paradise home for your fledgling community of human beings.

We know that you have entrusted us human beings to look after this home and to contain it as the paradise it should always be.

And yet we have failed you miserably. Instead we live in a world of continuing and worsening violence and destruction, from the way that we treat each other as individuals to the way that nations assert themselves over other nations,

Instead we live in a world being destroyed by mass pollution and maltreatment of the environment.

Holy Father, please help us as Christians to bring about a reversal of these trends, To show by example that we can all love one another and live in peace, free from violence, intimidation, avarice and conquest.

Help us to bring about a total respect for the environment and to revert our home to the paradise you intended it to be.


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Crafty Church

Sunday 22 September 2024 at for 45 mins
St Paternus Parish Church North Petherwin
North Petherwin Near Launceston Cornwall, PL15 8LR, United Kingdom

Would you like to come to our monthly Crafty Church Service? It is usually held on the 4th Sunday of the month and begins at 10 am. However, with the school Summer Holidays in full swing, it will not be held now until the 4th Sunday in September.

Normally, we begin with a service in church which is designed to be enjoyed by adults and children alike and usually lasts up to a maximum of 30 minutes, after which there is an optional, themed craft activity - hence the name "Crafty Church". The activity session usually lasts about 15 minutes and is always interesting and light-hearted. It is usually inside the church but can sometimes be outside if the weather allows.

All are welcome!

Monthly service.

Bible Study Group

Tuesday 24 September 2024 at for 1 hour
Wendy & Dave`s
Wendy & Dave`s, North Petherwin

Join Wendy & Dave in having a fortnightly friendly and focused look at parts of the Holy Bible. We are happy to welcome anyone who is interested in finding out more and increasing their understanding of the Bible.
Tea or coffee and tasty cake provided.

Interested? Then do please phone Wendy and Dave to find out more.

Tel: 01566 785425

Holy Communion Service

Sunday 06 October 2024 at for 1 hour
St Paternus Parish Church North Petherwin
North Petherwin Near Launceston Cornwall, PL15 8LR, United Kingdom

Holy Communion and will be held as usual on the first Sunday of the month at 4 pm and will be led by Rev'd Jess.

We hope to including a newly written musical adaption of The Lord's Prayer during this service.

When taking Communion at the Alter Rail, you are invited to take the bread only if you are concerned about drinking from the cup. In this case, please remain standing.

Harvest Festival Service & Supper

for 2 hours
St Paternus Parish Church North Petherwin
North Petherwin Near Launceston Cornwall, PL15 8LR, United Kingdom

All are invited to St Paternus Church for our annual celebration of Harvest Time.
You are welcome to bring along donations of food and ingredients to help fill the wheelbarrow for distribution to the Foodbank. No perishables please.
The service is followed by our traditional Harvest Supper when you can enjoy the spread of food so generously supplied by members of our congregation and to wash it down with beverages or light drinks.
The wheelbarrow will also feature in our Harvest with Crafty Church service (please see separate entry), which you are most welcome to attend, especially if you have children.
A poster is attached for you to download and print as a reminder or display.

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Morning Worship

Sunday 17 November 2024 at for 1 hour
St Paternus Parish Church North Petherwin
North Petherwin Near Launceston Cornwall, PL15 8LR, United Kingdom

Our less formal service, compared to Holy Communion, led by one or more of our Local Worship Leaders. Suitable for families. It is usually held on the third Sunday of the month, beginning at 10.30 am, and is usually followed by light refreshments.

However, the October service 6is replaced by our Harvest Time celebration services. Please see separate entries.

The next Morning Worship Service will be held on Sunday 17th November.

All are welcome.