Eco Church

The General Synod voted in February 2020 for the whole of the Church of England to achieve net zero carbon by 2030. The vote recognised that the global climate emergency is a crisis for God’s creation and a fundamental injustice.

Our Zero Carbon / Eco Church Group was formed in 2020 to help us focus on important green issues relating to the church and worship, church buildings, biodiversity and land management. We have achieved A Rocha Bronze Award in 2021, and the Silver award in 2022. We are currently working toward the Gold Award. This things we have done to achieve this are for example:

- celebration of Creationtide in services, and regular prayers for environmental challenges

- supported our Messy Church to create a bug hotel in the churchyard

- introduced recycling bins in church and the churchyard

- regular use of social media to highlight our work to the wider community

- measured our energy use and Introduced under pew heating to reduce our carbon footprint and emissions. We also had a CofE energy opportunity report

- we switched to a green energy supplier

- changed lights to LED

- Twinned toilets in the church and parish hall

- use recycled cups, paper and toilet rolls

- churchyard and quiet garden is maintained organically, and we have a no mowing regime in designated areas to encourage wildlife

- we have installed, bird boxes, bug hotel and bat boxes in the churchyard

- A bog garden has been developed, and plants in our garden area are planted to attract wildlife

If you would like to get involved please message Jackie Davis via the Get in touch page on our website. 

Useful Links

A Rocha Eco Church

Tearfund Toilet Twinning

Tearfund Rubbish Campaign This is a Rubbish Campaign - Tearfund

Rivers & Canals Trust Plastic and litter in our canals | Canal & River Trust (

Green Christians

Water Aid

Diocese of Leeds Environmental page Caring for God's Creation - Diocese of Leeds (

CofE Net Zero Carbon Church

CofE Eco Church Eco Church | The Church of England

St. Aidan's RSPB

Page updated 8/10/23

EcoChurch-e-leaflet, PDF


St_Oswald_Church_Bronze_Award, PNG


St_Oswalds_Church_Silver_Award_, PDF


Prayer-walk-guide, PDF
