Shipley Church Self-Service Sunday 15th November 2020

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Shipley Church Self-Service

Sunday 15th November 2020

Thought for the Week - “Master,” he said, “you entrusted me with five talents; see, I have gained five more.

There is in the UK a Christian charity called “Five Talents” recently supported by Shipley Church, that aims to provide help for families in the developing world to increase their income, improve their diet, safeguard their healthcare and life expectancy, stimulate better housing and education, and work their way out of poverty. By empowering people to help themselves and through supporting them in an activity of their own choice, the dignity of human beings is often enhanced if the help they receive can be attributed in part to their own efforts and initiative.

This, surely, is the message of the parable of the talents described in today’s gospel reading. (Matthew 25:14-30) Jesus teaches us to take the gifts we have been given, and to use them in the service of God, and in association with others for our common good.

Much of this chimes with a quality possessed by dear departed Joan Lindsay, at whose funeral in September Adam, her elder son, spoke of her attitude towards the pursuit of happiness. What mattered to her was that personal success, which brings with it a sense of self-worth, is usually the product of application. Those who fail have probably not tried hard enough or occupy the wrong field. They should try something else where they would doubtless succeed through hard work. 

Hymn for the Day

Take my life, and let it be

Consecrated, Lord, to Thee;

Take my moments and my days,

Let them flow in ceaseless praise.


We pray, O God, give us grace to employ our talents and faculties in thy service, and that whatever our hands find to do, we may do it with all our might.

Note: The Gospel and Readings for today can be downloaded from the top right-hand corner of this page.