Shipley Church Self-Service Sunday 17th January 2021

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Shipley Church Self-Service

Sunday 17<span style="font-size: 12px;">th</span> January 2021

Thought for the Week – Will you come and follow me?

Jesus called for twelve men – mostly fisherman, one a tax collector – to be his disciples: Peter, James, John, Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James (son of Alphaeus), Jude, Simon, & Judas. His call to them appears so compelling that they follow almost without question. Jesus’ personality and character must have displayed a quality of leadership and charismatic charm so compelling, that it enabled him to exercise magnetic persuasion in inspiring the devotion of others.

The main purpose that Jesus had for the 12 disciples was for them to witness the beginning of his public ministry, and to accept a commission for teaching every nation to observe his commandments. (Matthew 28:19) St Paul recognised that no one would be fooled by a so-called Christian preacher trying to sell a lifestyle that they themselves were not living. So the way to promote Christianity was to live it yourself (1 Timothy 4:16) How, then, should we become effective evangelists? Have we listened for, and responded to, God’s call to us? (John 1: 40-51)

Hymn for Today

O Jesus, I have promised to serve you to the end;

Be now and ever near me, my master and my friend:

I shall not fear the battle if you are by my side,

Nor wander from the pathway if you will be my guide.

Prayer for Today

We pray to our God, the servant king; he calls us now to follow him: Help me, Lord, to speak your name, my daily labour to pursue. You alone, I long to know, in all I think or speak or do.

Note: The Gospel and Readings set for today can be downloaded from the top right corner of this page.