Camberwell St Michael

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We TELL others the Good News of the Kingdom. We are a visible and active presence of God’s kingdom. The most obvious starting points are the Sunday Eucharist with worship and preaching, where we welcome newcomers. Throughout the week Monday-Friday: praise, prayer and bible study starts the day at 0915. We hold our community in prayer and examine God’s word to understand the times in which we live. We also hold Services responding to community events: including wedding, funeral, Remembrance etc.

We TEACH. We Teach by explaining, and including the whole gospel. Our largest project is Ark All Saints Secondary school for 600 pupils from the neighbourhood. Our priest has a joint Chaplaincy role, ensuring Christian ethos, regular daily prayer, and use of Bible in school worship and practice. People come to us for Baptism. We support training parish youth workers. Finally we organise events for our young people.

We TEND: that means we respond to human need by loving service. What does this mean in practice? We listen to the stories of the parish. We work with others to ensure a Mother and Toddler group and associated MumSpace activities on site each week. We support the voices of local organisations, particularly Tenants and Residents, in expressing need to make-it-happen organisations, including Southwark Council. We provide support and space for groups to meet, and public and voluntary services to make a difference in our parish.

We TRANSFORM. We seek to transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind and to pursue peace and reconciliation. That means that we  listen to the conversations about violence against young people  and looking for practical acts that will make a difference. We act and speak in public for justice and peace. We welcome the strangers. We stand with people who are vulnerable because of their nationality status. We feed and clothe the poor. Provide basic needs by supporting expert organisation partners (Kairos, Pecan). We bring peace; working with the police and Local Authority to challenge the violence that arises in our neighbourhood. We are proud of our good relationship with Wyndham Road mosque.

We TREASURE God’s world. We strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth. In a garden of building waste and tarmac we grow fruits and flowers as a haven for people who live in flats. We use a well-insulated modern building that uses energy efficiently.

Is this your way of living too? Come and join in.