Advent Group

Every Tuesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Stephen
St Stephen, Watling Street, St Albans, AL1 2PT, United Kingdom

Afternoon Advent Group meetings will be held in the Kentish Room. The group will be following the course “Because of Bethlehem” by Max Lucado. There will also be a service of Compline during Advent – more details of this to follow.
Notice of your intention to attend would be appreciated - [email protected], 01727 862598 or use the sign-up sheets in the two churches.

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Tots & Teddies

Every Wednesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Please note that this event will not be taking place between and
St Julian's
3, Abbott's Avenue St. Albans, AL1 2HY, United Kingdom

Service with a story, worship and activities for pre-school children and their carers. There are big push-along toys and big mats for babies. We serve tea, coffee, juice and a snack for the children. Carers bring the snacks (on a rota) - usually one will bring something savoury, one something sweet and one some fruit.
We usually meet in school holidays, often with slightly older children too. Sometimes in Summer Tots there are just informal craft activities and snacks. We don't meet at half-terms or during the Christmas and Easter holidays (so our last service tis year is on 18 December).
There is more information on the Tots & Teddies page (under 'About Us').

Morning Prayer

Every Thursday at for 30 mins
St Julian's
3, Abbott's Avenue St. Albans, AL1 2HY, United Kingdom

Short (20-30 minutes) service of Morning Prayer.

Morning Prayer

Every Friday at for 30 mins
St Julian's

Every Friday there will be a service of Morning Prayer using Zoom. Please contact the Parish Office for details.
Why not join us online for this 30-minute short service? We use the 'Daily Prayer' service from the Church of England. Participants can choose whether to just listen to the service, remaining on mute and without their camera turned on, or you can join in with reading parts of the service if you're happy to do so.

Parish Communion from St Julian's

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St Julian's
3, Abbott's Avenue St. Albans, AL1 2HY, United Kingdom

Every Sunday at 9:30. The service is online and recorded one week each month.
In the weeks when it is not online, the service from St Stephen's probably will be - please see the Parish Communion from St Stephen's entry.
The Service Sheet is available in the News and Notices section.

Parish Communion from St Stephen's

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St Stephen's Church
St Stephen's Church, Watling Street, St Albans, AL1 2PT, United Kingdom

This service is held both live and (in most weeks) online.
To join the online service or to watch the recording, please go to our YouTube channel at

Chair-based exercise

Every Monday at for 1 hour
St Julian's
3, Abbott's Avenue St. Albans, AL1 2HY, United Kingdom

Improve your health and balance, and take your next steps to better health.

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