Donations to the Church

Would you like to support our church activities by donating some much needed funds? During this time of the pandemic when people can no longer attend church we are missing much needed revenue from our regular collections. We would be extremely grateful if you could give us a little money each month to support us. A regular giving form is available for download from this page (see "download" button below). You can decide how much you would like to give and complete the form and send it to our PCC Treasurer, Nick Drew at The Lodge, Hall Road, Barton Turf NR12 8AS. We have already completed some details on this form for you. Don't forget to gift aid it if you can and to send the bottom half of the form (the standing order) to your bank.

The Diocese of Norwich has also now set up a page on their website to enable online donations to a chosen church. Any donations made this way will be put towards the church's Parish Share (an annual amount of money paid by each church to the diocese to cover the cost of the clergy and other support services). How to do this can be found on the Diocese of Norwich website (please follow the link). You can either make a single or monthly gifts of an amount of your choosing. Please select St Peter's Neatishead as the church and fill out the information needed to complete your transaction (marked with an asterisk). You do not have to select either the project, appeal or charity, parish or benefice. If you can gift aid then please tick the appropriate box. Thank you.

For those of you who are already giving we thank you very much.

Regular_Giving_Form, PDF
