Vicar's Newsletter for third Sunday of Epiphany

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Dear Friends,

This weekend falls in the middle of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. This is an annual time of focusing our prayers with Jesus that his followers may be one, as he and the Father are one. Division and disunity are forces that hold our world captive in many different ways, as we struggle to live well with difference. In the gospel for this weekend Jesus takes Isaiah's beautiful words, reflecting on the great hope of freedom from oppression felt by the Babylonia people of God during the Babylonian, that God brings freedom and release from all that holds us captive. Jesus goes one step further as he says that freedom is found in him; so often his church has failed to embody the loving generosity that is the sign of God's favour, even in its internal relationships. Let's pray for the grace of renewal in all our own relationships so that we can be heralds with Jesus of the good news that God calls us all to unity of of spirit in love and peace.

The resources for this week of prayer have, this year, been developed by churches in the Middle East with an Epiphany inspiration: "We saw his star in the East". Within the resources there are ideas for personal prayer and action to which Christian Aid have contributed. To find out more go to:

God bless


Sunday 23rd January

9am Brendon Holy Communion (BCP)

11am Lynton Holy Communion

11am Martinhoe Morning Worship (self-led)