
Are you looking for a closer connection?  There are many ways of belonging to our church. 

* Encounter the presence of God in the church as you enjoy a time of peace and tranquility.  The building is open for private prayer daily during daylight hours and God's love is freely given to all.

* Come along to a service and get to know the others who go along too!  Please don't think you have to have this "faith-thing" all sorted before you come.  We are all on a journey of exploration and discovery and it's just that bit easier if we journey together.

* Join the PCC. We meet about 4 times a year and work together to keep the church up and running.  Your church needs you and your gifts!

* Join the flower or cleaning rota. If you want to take a more active role, we are always grateful to anyone who wants to get involved - there's plenty to be done!

* Explore baptism or confirmation for yourself or your children, if and when you feel ready and want to take the next step in your faith journey.  All at your own pace.

* Support the church financially.  Ancient buildings take a lot of upkeep!  (Ask your treasurer if you would like to donate electronically).

* Above all, please pray for all those who maintain the church and lead our services.  Also pray for all the efforts members of the church make to reach out into the community.

If you would like to pray but are unsure how, why not have a look at the download below for a few suggestions.  You don't have to wait till you are inside a church - anywhere will do!

new_to_prayer, PDF
