Cafe Church is back next week!Our popular, more informal type of service, takes place in the church hall. Refreshments are served between 10.30 and 10.45 am, with the service starting at11am.We also have a range of activities in the hall this week, including:Monday Scouts 7pmTuesdayPrize Bingo 1.30pmPilates 5.30pm and 6.45pmWednesdayKeep Moving 9.30amSew and Chat 1.30pmZumba 6.30pmThursdayGentle Exercise 2pmCubs 6.45pmFridayCoffee Morning 10.30am
As our journey of Epiphany comes to an end, join us in church next Sunday for our Candlemas service with communion. Usual time of 11am followed by refreshments.Activities this week in the church hall include:MondayScouts 7pmTuesdayPilates 5.30pm and 6.45pmWednesdaySew and Chat 1.30pmZumba 6.30pmThursdayGentle Exercise 2pmCubs 6.45pmFridayCoffee Morning 10.30am
Activities this week in the church hall:Monday Scouts 7pmTuesdayBingo 1.30pmPilates 5.30 and 6.45pmWednesdayWednesday Morning Club (re-scheduled from last week) 10.30amSew and Chat 1.30pmZumba 6.30pmThursdayGentle Exercise 2pmCubs 6.45pmFridayCoffee Morning 10.30am
Activities this week in the church hall:Monday Scouts 7pmTuesdayBingo 1.30pmPilates 5.30 and 6.45pmWednesdayWednesday Morning Club (re-scheduled from last week) 10.30amSew and Chat 1.30pmZumba 6.30pmThursdayGentle Exercise 2pmCubs 6.45pmFridayCoffee Morning 10.30am