Weekly messages to Marton Friends

Message_to_Marton_Friends_for_Sunday_28th_January_2024.docx Download
THE_UPDATE_198_28_January_2024_for_the_Forest_of_Galtres_Benefice_Yffp3Az.docx Download

During covid lockdowns, Rev Steve started a weekly 'update' email with news, prayers and a reflection on the week's gospel reading. It seemed natural to add a short message specifically for 'Marton Friends', especially as we were so restricted from returning to services by having no space in such a small church for 'social distancing'. On returning to regular services it seemed right to keep the weekly emails rolling, as there are lots of Marton Friends who are unable to attend services regularly, if at all. These emails try to give a little update on the growing community of pilgrims who find themselves drawn to this lovely little wayside church and Celtic spirituality. Please email [email protected] if you would like to receive this as a regular weekly email or if you would like a paper copy posting to you.