Booking a Funeral

If you are looking to arrange a funeral, burial or interment of ashes in one of our churches, please contact

Revd. Robb Wainwright on 01765 676298

If the person who has died was a resident of the parish there should be no problems in arranging a funeral because there is a legal right to be buried in the parish where the deceased normally lived, or the parish in which they died.

Also, if the deceased had connections with our church, then their funeral service can also take place in church.  Unless there is a connection with our church, we would encourage you, on their behalf, to approach their local parish church.

Wherever the funeral happens, we offer our condolences and prayers at this time.  If you would like us to remember your loved one  in our prayers and pray for your family, please do let us know, either by phone or by using the contact us link and we will be pleased to include them in our intercessions.

It is also worth noting that the only gravestones or memorial tablets our churches can directly approve are those in line with the Diocesan regulations. Again, please contact one of our churchwardens about this.