We'd love to hear from you

Rector: Fr Alaric Lewis, Telephone:  01603 663757; Email: [email protected] 

Assistant Curate: Revd Annie Blyth, Telephone 01603 611870

Honorary Priest: Revd Maggie Diffey, Telephone: 01603 457248

Lay Minister (Reader): Kevin Mitchelson, Telephone 01953 601053; Email: [email protected]

Lay Worship Assistant and webmaster/social media: Catherine Rowett, [email protected]


John Brydon, Tel: 01603 452701, E-mail: [email protected]

Richard Norton, Tel: 01362 850262, E-mail: [email protected]

Parish Safeguarding Officer: Revd Maggie Diffey (see above).

Send us a message

If your message is about safeguarding, please contact the safeguarding team for your area, rather than completing this form.

Say "hello"

Fr Alaric Lewis

St George's Church
Princes Street,

Fr Alaric Lewis
01603 663757
Parish Office
01603 613962