Easter wellbeing

The first week of the Easter holiday is one of the busiest in the Church’s year and so I am trying to get time to rest and recover after Easter. I need to remind myself that this was not an indulgence: taking time to look after my mental health is important.

During the Easter season we have the option of singing the Vidi Aquam which is based on Ezekiel 47. The Vidi Aquam is a picture of water from God’s temple bring healing (or salvation).

Vidi áquam egrediéntem de témplo, a látere déxtro, allelúia:
I saw water coming forth from the temple on the right side, alleluia:
et ómnes, ad quos pervénit áqua ísta, sálvi fácti sunt,
and all those to whom this water came were healed,
et dícent, allelúia, allelúia.
and shall say: alleluia, alleluia.
Confitémini Dómino quóniam bónus:
Give praise to the Lord, for he is good:
quoniam in saeculum misericórdia éjus.
For his mercy endureth forever.

The Vidi Aquam and the healing miracles in the bible speak to us of God desire for each one of us to find mental and physical wellbeing. If God is concerned about our mental and physical health, we don’t need excuses to take care to look after our own health.

Exams will make this term very stressful for both students and staff: we would be wise to look after our own (and others) wellbeing.