We have a new online donate direct button, and it's live!

Church_news Community_news Notices

We are pleased to report, that in recent weeks we have qualified for a 'Donation Button' to be added to our easyfundraising cause page.

These new features have been installed and are now live!

This means in addition to generating funds through your online shopping via easyfundraising, you can now also visit our easyfundraising cause page to make one off or regular donations directly to our church funds.

Introducing Donations with easyfundraising

Making a donation through easyfundraising is quick, simple and 100% secure. Unlike other fundraising websites, easyfundraising don’t take commission on donations or charge causes for using their services.


However small or large your donations raised through your online shopping, or given by directly via the new donation button, your donations will contribute positively towards the life of, the day to day running and maintenance of our church today and in the years to come.

Thank you for your support as always.