Your amazing donations have helped Kelvin raise over £2,000 for us!

Kelvin_Whites_500_Milaege_Diary_May-June_2020.docx Download
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'I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me'

The financial forecast for our PCC at St. Peter's Church, Milton Bryan in May during the height of the coronavirus pandemic made for an uncomfortable read as we considered a locked down world and a closed church dependent on its church family service offerings coupled with a cancelled busy calendar of fundraising and community events. With an anxious heart I felt compelled to do something, anything! What could I do without breaking Prime minister Boris Johnson's latest instruction and guidance to help my village church out?... I couldn't just sit on my hands.

Well, I am far from being an amateur athlete of any kind, but for some reason or other, I decided to commit myself to clocking up a minimum of 500 miles between 22nd May and 28th June for St. Peter's Milton Bryan around my commitments and as part of my daily exercise to raise vital and much needed funds this year.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13) was a verse of scripture and line of encouragement sent to me from super cyclist Mike Wagg from St. Mary's Woburn as we kept in touch via the Strava App came through at an important time for me. I didn't realise how much I needed to receive that part way through this challenge and I was equally delighted to receive all the messages of support and encouragement through the JustGiving page, Facebook and by traditional pigeon post which kept me going, thank you! It was another surprise further, to hear from Mike Wagg again on 24 June, the eve of passing my 500 mile mark with Mike offering to cycle me through the 500th mile and take a few photographs. A great evening ride, two Christian Men on wheels talking Faith, family, life and bikes! Thank you Chris!

I eventually managed to clock up 600.76 miles and during the five week period, pedalling my way through all weathers and seasons. I have found myself cycling through the beauty of the Bedfordshire countryside in glorious sunshine, on some very quiet roads early on with nothing but the birdsong and the Spirit of the Lord with me. I have been soaked through, shaken and humbled at the power of God's creation through the thunder and lightning storms. Found myself having some quite cold and wet evenings too. I have cycled head on into hail and rain and been blow dried by the mild winds within minutes after and of course fought my way through the Potsgrove gales on a few occasions, and once again found myself in awe of God's creation when cycling through the Woburn Deer Park.

The response to my appeal for sponsorship has been so much more than expected and I am extremely grateful to everyone who has sponsored me. The total raised is a wonderful £2,185.41. In addition to this, the sum of £282.50 will be claimed with thanks to those who have been able to Gift Aid their donation.

With huge and grateful thanks,

Kelvin White. Churchwarden. St. Peter's, Milton Bryan 

Kelvin's mileage diary is attached to this report in document form.