Church services in September and October



All are welcome at any of the services in church as detailed below. Please check websites and future weekly newsletters for last minute changes and take all the precautions you can to stay safe and ensure the safety of those around you.

Midweek services.                 

WEDNESDAY 10am Morning Prayer Service  in St Andrew’s Bramfield  with coffee and chat, time to catch up with the ministry team. No service in August.  Restarts Wed 18th September

Most people in the UK and across the world cannot recall a time when there was another British monarch on the throne. We  pray for King Charles III and for the royal family.

 You are welcome to attend a service in any of our Benefice churches 

Sunday 22nd September

9 30am WATTON short informal PET SERVICE at St Andrew and St Mary’s Church Bring your PETS (or cuddly toys. Large animals may be blessed outside). EVERYONE is welcome. Refreshments and dog treats


11 15am STAPLEFORD Prayer and Praise

2pm Watton Baptism

 You are welcome to attend services in ANY church Activity bags for children LOOKING AHEAD

Tuesday 24th September

10am Holy Communion 128 High St Watton (Linda Tyler) followed by coffee and chat – all are welcome. Contact Rev Jenny or Linda. 

Sunday 29th September 

11am ASTON Benefice Holy Communion NO service in the other village churches

Sunday 6th October

10am Watton Church in the pub informal contemporary worship in George and Dragon contact Sharon 07931325288

11am Aston Holy Communion

11.15am Waterford Songs of Praise Harvest

11.15am Stapleford Prayer and Praise