Thought for Friday 20th September

Take courage I have conquered the world,’ Jesus tells his disciples at the Last Supper, the night before he dies. (John 16:33) Jesus’ words sound confident and positive yet what happens next seems to contradict them. How can Jesus say ‘he has conquered the world’ when within hours he’s going to be arrested, whipped, tried and killed in the cruellest most shaming way? What kind of victory is this? There’s still war and disasters today, Christians are still being mocked, persecuted and in some places killed. .

His 'victory' is his act of self-giving love – love that conquers hate, evil, darkness.

His 'victory' is his resurrection. Death cannot hold him. Jesus defeats death to give us eternal life. There is nothing now for us to fear.

We may not have Jesus’ confidence and inner strength. We may feel crushed by the difficulties we face. But Jesus promises us his confidence and strength when we turn to him. And, when our faith and trust is weak, we can take hope and courage from those around us who believe and trust in Him.

with love and prayers
