Church Officers

Following the visit of the Venerable David Waller, Archdeacon of Gibraltar, Italy and Malta, to the congregation of Assisi on the 11th-12th March 2023, the following Church Officers were officially recognized :

SSF Contact and Guardian in overall charge of St Leonard’s :

Brother Benedict (SSF)

St Leonard’s Core Team :

Brother Sam (SSF)     (Treasurer)

Cathie Alexander

Irene Dunn

Safeguarding Officer : 

 Brother Benedict

Other Church Officers confirmed at the 2022 AGM and still in post:

Marriage Blessing and Baptism Coordinator:  Brother Benedict

Social Media Coordinator (Facebook and Twitter):  Tosca Lynch

Webmaster & Editor (A Church Near You):  Cecilia Snyder

Data Protection:  Gordon Trigg

Please make initial contact through:

-  Priest-in-Charge or the Safeguarding Officer - as appropriate